Conoce la historia de Maykel 👇
Cuando Maykel tenía 7 años, fue a visitar con su madre a su abuelito porque estaba enfermo. Mientras su mamá cuidaba de su abuelito, él estaba jugando cerca del fogón de leña, que estaba en la casa y donde estaban preparando la comida, y cayó en este, provocando muchos daños en sus manos.
Al no tener los recursos necesarios, no pudieron ir a un hospital enseguida y cuando lograron atenderlo, su brazo estaba muy infectado, por lo cual tuvieron que amputarle bajo su codo.
Maykel necesita su prótesis para poder ir a la escuela, sentir que tiene una ayuda para hacer las actividades como los demás niños. Es muy importante también para su salud emocional y física.
Tú puedes ayudar a que Maykel logre superar las secuelas de este accidente para que su vida no sea definida por lo vivido, sino por su capacidad para enfrentar este desafío a tan corta edad. No se trata únicamente de colocarle una prótesis. Se trata de enseñarle a superar las adversidades y prepararlo adecuadamente para que sea un ejemplo para su comunidad.
¿Cómo puedes ayudar a Maykel?
Para lograr este objetivo necesitamos que Maykel inicie la atención de rehabilitación integral que incluye terapias pre protésicas para que su muñón esté listo para la prótesis, también necesita sesiones psicológicas para trabajar sobre su percepción personal y también requerimos elaborar su prótesis de brazo para luego trabajar con él en el entrenamiento para sus actividades de la vida diaria: comer, escribir, jugar, etc.
Con tu ayuda podemos llegar a la meta y cambiar la vida de Maykel, únete ahora con tu donación y transforma su vida.
When Maykel was 7 years old, he went to visit his grandfather with his mother because he was sick. While his mother was taking care of his grandfather, he was playing near the wood stove, which was in the house and where they were preparing food, and he fell into it, causing a lot of damage to his hands.
Becuase they didn't have the necessary resources, they could not go to a hospital right away and when they were able to treat him, his arm was very infected, so they had to amputate below his elbow.
Maykel needs his prosthesis to be able to go to school, to feel that he has an aid to do activities like other children. It is also very important for his emotional and physical health.
You can help Maykel overcome the after-effects of this accident so that his life will not be defined by what he has experienced, but by his ability to face this challenge at such a young age. It is not just a matter of fitting him with a prosthesis, but of teaching him to overcome adversity and preparing him to be an example for his community.
How can you help Maykel?
To achieve this goal we need Maykel to start comprehensive rehabilitation care that includes pre-prosthetic therapies so that his residual limb is ready for the prosthesis, he also needs psychological sessions to work on his personal perception and we also need to elaborate his arm prosthesis to then work with him in training him for his daily life activities: eating, writing, playing, etc.
Give now to help Maykel to dream again.